Thursday, May 8, 2008

ON LINE Enlightenment Dyad Event.

Lesson Six
Enlightenment Dyad Event

Dear Enlightened Heart Forum Members,


Lesson Six of the Enlightened Living Program is an experimental ON LINE Enlightenment Dyad Event.

It is a 7 day event. You have only one dyad partner for the entire 7 days.
And you can begin at any time. For example you and your partner may begin your 7 days tomorrow. I and my partner may start today.

Here is what you do if you want to participate:

1) Choose to participate.
2) READ Below: Introduction to Dyads On Line
3) READ Below: How to do On Line Enlightenment Dyads.
4) Choose a partner from among the Forum members list.
5) Send them an email asking if they will be your partner.
6) Begin your Dyad.
7) Post me any questions you may about your own process or any that you may have about the logistics of Dyads On Line.

with love

Introduction to Dyads On Line

1. Read: How to do On Line Enlightenment Dyads

2. Re-read: How to do On Line Enlightenment Dyads

3. Choose an On Line partner from the Enlightened Heart Forum members or invite someone into the Forum whom you would like to have as a dyad partner.

4. Choose NEW POST at the bottom of the Enlightened Heart Forum Discussions Page. Label the NEW POST with you and your partner’s name followed by the word “DYAD”. You and your partner use this topic heading that you just created to stream your dyad reflections into.

For example if I choose Christy to do a dyad with I would click NEW POST and label it: YOAH AND CHRISTY DYAD. Both Christy and I would conduct our on going dyad under the topic heading, YOAH AND CHRISTY DYAD.

You and your dyad partner would do the same thing and that is where each of our respective dyad encounters would take place. We meet in the open Forum space. This is our dyad floor or workshop room where several dyads may be in progress. The topic headings might read like this: Yoah and Christy Dyad. Jim and Lisa Dyad. Dawn and Richard Dyad.

5. The main guideline and agreement for participating is that you will not gossip about what is communicated in the Dyad Forum Space. You will not evaluate or make comments about what your partner or others communicate. And you will not refer to what your partner communicates or give advice. You are to listen and understand as best as you can.

6. Each dyad partner, one or more times per day, will READ the posting of their dyad partner and send an acknowledgement of THANK YOU or I GOT IT. As in an Enlightenment Intensive Retreat, there is no commenting, criticizing or gossiping about upon what is arising for your partner in your respective dyad.

7. At least once per day you READ what is communicated in your dyad space and acknowledge the communication, if there happens to be a posting. You do not have to self reflect and communicate each day. This gives you some flexibility in your personal schedule to self reflect and communicate at least every few days. As a communicator you can communicate more than once per day and there is no change over as in a typical dyad session. (Let’s see how this works in practise).

8. You and your dyad partner can organize a time to be on line at the same time if you choose too, though it is not necessary.

9. As a member of the Forum you can read and receive any or all of the other DYAD’S postings or communications. You do have to send a “Thank you, I got it” ACKNOWLEDGEMENT upon reading and understanding any dyad you read.

How to do an Enlightenment Dyad On Line

1. An Enlightenment Dyad is two individuals who come together to bring about
understanding with regards to who and what they are. The two individuals are not involved in trying to straighten out their relationship. There are other dyads that are more effective for resolving relationship issues.

2. The Enlightenment Dyad Instruction that we will all be using is: Tell me who you are.

3. Your partner will not be giving you the Who Am I instruction as in a typical EI Retreat. Who Am I is the contemplation you accept when you choose to enter the dyad. It is a continuing contemplation upon entering the On Line Dyad space.

You begin your Who Am I contemplation by setting out or intending to
consciously, directly know your self. Open yourself to consciously, directly
know who you are as you hold your intention to know who you are.

4. Communicate to your partner whatever occurs in your consciousness as
a direct result of contemplating. Communicate as best you can. In this Forum,
we are somewhat limited to words, prose, poetry or graphic images. It has its
limitations, as do two live dyad partners.

5. There will be no change over gongs. As a contemplator and
communicator you continue contemplating and communicating as inspired to do so.

6. As a receiver, do your best to understand. You are not to judge, criticise
or comment on what your partner communicates.

7. Acknowledge your partner with 'thank you' or 'I got it' or any other
communication that conveys this after reading and understanding any communication your partner posts.

8. You don’t have to wait for any ‘change over’ to become a contemplating or communicating partner. You just become one.

9. You and your partner do a dyad in the open Forum space. This is similar to the dyad workshop space, in that others can hear you. In this open Forum space, any one can read your postings as to what you are conscious of and communicating. When you do read and understand another’s communication, acknowledge with a simple posting of 'thank you' or 'I got it'.

10. This Open Forum Space can be very powerful. The principle of dissolving the mind or the barriers that stand in the way of your enlightenment is the principle of UNDERSTANDING. The mind is dissolved to the degree that your communication is understood by another individual. In this Open Forum Space there is the potential for many others to get your thoughts. The only purpose for a thought is to get something about yourself across to others. Getting it across and having it understood, is the act of having the thought fulfilled.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Private Enlightenment Healing Retreat

Bali Enlightenment Master Training & Retreat

Yoah Wexler, PhD
Transpersonal Psychologist
Zen Master of Enlightenment

I invite you to participate in a unique personal and spiritual healing experience.

It is a private and personalized healing retreat just for YOU.

Each retreat is a journey of body mind heart healing that is personalized to your individual needs. It includes cleansing and healing activities to strengthen and energize your body, awaken your mind, inspire your heart and illuminate your soul.

The Retreats are 3 days to 7 days and can be held ANYWHERE. It could be your home or mine ... or a remote camp in the outback of Australia... or a luxury five star health resort on the island of Bali or Hawaii... or the ancient temples and pyramids of Egypt ... or the ancient stone walled City of Old Jerusalem.

If you're ready to experience a healing of body, mind and spirit.

Are you ready to penetrate into the depths of your Soul?

Are you are ready to SoulSurrender?

I've been teaching and facillitating individual and group healing sessions and retreats for over 30 years.

If you would like to experience the benifits of working with a master teacher and mentor, contact me.

with love and blessings


Enlightenment and Enlightenment Phenomena

This dramatic awakening took place at a 10 day enlightenment intensive retreat in Melbourne, Australia in the early 1990's.

Christ Phenomena Enlightenment

Enlightenment Master Training Course.
Lecture on the Obstacles to Enlightenment: Phenomena

The variations and varieties of phenomena are also quite dependent on what your religious, spiritual and cultural upbringing was.

It you were brought up with a Christian background, say Catholic for instance, you might experience phenomena that were specific to Catholic tradition and its mythologies.
It could be Jesus who appears before you. …. He might even speak to you.
Mother Mary and Baby Jesus might appear to you. The Saints, Angels, the Devil, feelings of guilt, memories of fear, suffering and pain might come up .

Expressions and notions of resurrection and ascension may colour your language as you communicate what you are aware of.

All these sorts of phenomenal impressions can arise and they may have a decidedly Christian religious flavour to them based upon what was imprinted in you mind ….


Morning One of Enlightenment Intensive retreat

I love it when another part of the bullshit ego dies everytime I do an
Intensive I claim another part of myself

Oh so liberating the energy unleashes and it's pure bliss.

I don't want to pretend anymore, hide away I want all of me right now
all the ugly gross parts
that want to appear I accept them I invite them to come forth,
ready to die Oh lord
I'm ready to die with a capital D.
FUCK I just became conscious of the fact that I can express my truth
at any given moment my true self can't be put down anialated
it's invinsible.

MY TRUE SELF can't be rejected there is no such thing.

I keep having to pass on my thoughts. Let them go. The answers that my
clever fuck mind so generously volunteers for me to satisfy my
partners need to know me, thanks but no thanks. It ain't good enough.
Work harder. I want to deepen, i want to keep making jumps to the next
3 Dyads in, I am worried.
I am worried i will spend 3 days of giving bullshit answers.
Help myself.


Jim was a participant at the Enlightenment Master Training and Retreat.
He wrote in the lap top journals:

There is this overwhelming desire for perfection. I’ve had it all
along and only now I realise it in its fullness. I notice how it holds
me back in life.

This desire for perfection is the father and the fear of failure is
the mother. They are complementary and until both get purified the fear and the desire seem separate. However, I am slowly realising now that they are one and the same thing to the degree that both annihilate themselves in each other. The desire for perfection is the energy rising in my body. The fear of failure is the energy falling in my body.

I’ve done experiencing the fear of failure to death in this life. Boy,
do I have it mapped out. On the other hand, I am not entirely
proficient with being conscious and aware of my desire for perfection.

Only now, is it unfolding in all of its energetics in my body. I can
see now how this desire gets in the way of my expression to others.

How it holds me back. The fear of failure would hold me back in a
deathly, dull sort of way whereas now the desire for perfection holds me back in a passionate, upward flowing sort of way.
Realising all this in my being feels absolutely miraculous! Thank you to my dyad partner who was a perfect complement to what is currently arising. I had the feeling that she was nurturing me in the exact way needed for my awakening. God is graceful!

Holy Man

Enlightenment Retreat: Day One: Participant Posts

Enlightenment Retreat

Three laptops were available for participants to record their thoughts, impressions and communications. Some kept a running log of the Retreat.

Day One

I am noticing that I like to ease my tensions by reinforcing some form
of the ego. This “running” away from tension is usually in the form of
a pleasurable feeling or an overwhelming amount of sensation which
pushes down the part of myself that I do not want to face. These
aspects I am noticing have occurred since childhood and relate to
specific events where I felt powerless, was fearful of being rejected
by others, and being seen as inferior by others. I guess it is time
for me to make some decisions and choices whether these strategies
still work for me and if I want to be open to accepting myself more.
Ah, self love is love for everything

Minh Tre

I am conscious of creating difference between myself and other.
When I
focus on the difference, the mind is at work, discriminating,
evaluating, categorizing.
But when I know the sameness, when I am
conscious of creating the difference, aahhh….the bliss floods me, my heart is so wide to receive the beauty and grace and endless playfulness of the divine. Specifically while doing my yoga under a tree, I experienced our unity with the energy rising up the spine and blowing open the heart… orgasmic exchange, which continued (and continues now) with creation.

There is this overwhelming desire for perfection. I’ve had it all
along and only now I realise it in its fullness. I notice how it holds
me back in life.
This desire for perfection is the father and the fear of failure is
the mother. They are complementary and until both get purified the
fear and the desire seem separate. However, I am slowly realising now
that they are one and the same thing to the degree that both
annihilate themselves in each other. The desire for perfection is the
energy rising in my body. The fear of failure is the energy falling in
my body.
I’ve done experiencing the fear of failure to death in this life. Boy,
do I have it mapped out. On the other hand, I am not entirely
proficient with being conscious and aware of my desire for perfection.
Only now, is it unfolding in all of its energetics in my body. I can
see now how this desire gets in the way of my expression to others.
How it holds me back. The fear of failure would hold me back in a
deathly, dull sort of way whereas now the desire for perfection holds
me back in a passionate, upward flowing sort of way.
Realising all this in my being feels absolutely miraculous! Thank you
to my dyad partner who was a perfect complement to what is currently
arising. I had the feeling that she was nurturing me in the exact way
needed for my awakening. God is graceful!

Today is the first day of three in the Enlightenment Intensive
weekend. For me it has been an interesting process. We went for a walk
this morning and I can’t get over the fact that it feels like I have
never ever left this place. Walking around out side has brought back
many memories from the past. Feelings of peace and acceptance love and
wonder. We are a group of about 13 -14 persons. Some have been here
for a few days already the Enlightenment Masters group.

During one of the Dyads today what kept coming up for me was my throat
area which is in need of focus and attention. As I focus on it as an
object it feels blocked. But not with hard matter it feels like liquid
and when I touch just under the Adams apple it feels like I am having
an orgasmic experience, at least the foreplay of it anyway. It opens
up and releases in the form of a sound. A deep full mellow sound with
gentle tones.

I have noticed all my life that I have always been afraid to speak in
large groups (I’m ok one on one) when I put my attention on my throat
and express the sounds that want to come up there is a flow of bliss.
The nervousness seemed to leave the area and I did not feel nervous at
all when specking in the circle. I will make my throat the object of
my contemplation this weekend and see what else comes up…

The comfortable feeling in this type of environment is very pleasing.
You can see god’s presence everywhere and in everybody. The need to be
in this pool of love is irresistible, how can one not want to
surrender. A reminder that we are one with very thing and yet so
separate..That stuff between us all that gets clogged up and in the
way, makes it hard for us to see each other as we really are..however
I am surprised that even in this environment I feel separate from
others no matter how hard I try to put my attention on them. If I am
to lend myself as a empty vessel to be filled with otherness what will
become/s of me?

It is now later in the evening and we have just done a blind fold
dyad..That was different, it was hard for me to contemplate as there
was so much sound around so many different voices going on at once. I
didn’t know what or who I was. The pain in my stomach and back I could
relate easily too and pinpoint it really accurately then communicate
that. But the rest was like a radio playing lots of channels at the
same time a real head fuck..not hard or sharp but soft.

I feel as though I just have to trust the technique. I don’t know what
progress I’m making and if I’m supposed to feel it as I’m doing it
right I’m not aware of that feeling. And yet I believe I’m doing the
technique correctly. I’m struggling with a tendency to want to make
progress like any other endeavour and the need to stay constantly
contemplating oneself in the moment. I can’t help attaching value
judgements to my assessment of my progress.

As far as my contemplations themselves they revolve around a tightness
and limitation feeling in my object . there is a stablility and
predictability to this feeling almost to the extent that I may have a
pre-conceived idea of myself. I am aware of this though and am doing
my best not to.

Morning One of Enlightenment Intensive retreat


I love it when another part of the bullshit ego dies evrytime I do an
Intensive ,I claim another part of myself

Oh so liberating the energy unleashes and it's pure bliss.
I don't want to pretend anymore, hide away I want all of me right now
all the ugly gross parts
that want to appear I accept them I invite them to come forth, Im
ready to die Oh lord I;m ready to die with a capital D.
FUCK I just became consious of the fact that I can express my truth
at any given moment my true self can't be put down anialated
destroyed it's invinsible.

I ME MY TRUE SELF can't be rejected there is no such thing.

I keep having to pass on my thoughts. Let them go. The answers that my
clever fuck mind so generously volunteers for me to satisfy my
partners need to know me, thanks but no thanks. It aint good enough.
Work harder. I want to deepen, i want to keep making jumps to the next
level. COME ON! 3 Dyads in, I am worried. I am worried i will spend 3
days of giving bullshit answers. Help myself.

I'm suddenly just an empty vessle pur your everything into me I have
infinate room, for everyone love joy I am joy I'm the love there is
nothing else fill me up I'm ready to recieve.

Am I this or am I that? Slipping down into ego, slipping up into
consciousness. I feel the drawing up - irresistable, natural,
instinctive, magnetic, familiar, known. I feel the drawing down -
panic, fear, having to let go of something that I want to keep.
Things that the mind has made so precious. Things that the mind can't
imagine living without. The whole point of existence hinges on
keeping these things. If I let them all go, then who will see me. If
I'm not seen then who will love me. If I'm not loved then I don't
exist anymore. Who is existing then? It's such a stupid game. I'm
tired of the game of matching ego against ego - working out how to get
what I want, playing under rules and regulations that have never
worked. Frustration. Frustration about wasting even more time in
dwelling in this shit for even a moment longer.

This or that? It's all up to me. I have the power to be this or
that. Make a choice. A friend of mine tells me to just make a
choice, any choice, stop vacillitating in ambivalence and
apprehension. He says, whatever choice I make will be instantly
corrected by Spirit to serve the ultimate purpose. I see more now
though, that I think I am making choices with my mind - choosing for
doingness; in actuality Self is being in a way that how the choices
are being made would never be able to be comprehended by the mind.
It's not even choice being made, it's just this non-individual being
expressing into the world in it's own unique way. There are
expressions occurring, not choices being made. Every experience in
this life, every other in this life, every event in this life, every
thing in and surrounding this life, are all occurring at the behest of
myself. From the power and potential that flows from Self, a life is
created. And it's perfect. Self created. Inspired. Alive. Roaring
through the world. Touching all things. Attaching to no thing.

for the first time since arriving i've felt a feeling of not wanting
to be here. the last couple of hours it's been more a a challenge to
keep my attention on myself and a vague feeling of fear or dislike of
what's happening. my ego wants it to mean that i'm making progress and
yet it could also just be a slipping back which is also my ego.
there's a very quiet but present determination to continue doing the

Calm. The thoughts wash away as quickly as they came. Left in their
wake is emptiness. The silent dark space in my brain. I feel calm.
Trying to get a sense of myself when there is nothing left to hang on
to. Im not my personalities. Im not my memories. Im not my stories. Im
not my moods. And i sure as shit aint my fears. Whats left? Lets see
what storm may bring tomorrow.


Love (from Me to Me),

sit and Notice all the body distractions
I immediately have to go to the toliet
my throat tightnes
hard to breathe
I notice my spine aches
I am holding my attention throught it all
then my body begins toshake massively
I fear going into convulsions
focus is broken now

There is a sense of distraction of all the sounds
I keep bringing my attention back to myself
I name the distractions and let them go
To bring myself back to myself
Then there seems to be a subtle essence
Of the summerness that is
Individual things/noises blend into one
But there is an unsuredness about this when
The thought/mind breaks in again
Its all so subtle,

Closing Ceremony Enlightenment Master Training and Retreat

This was video taped at the completion ceremony for the Enlightenment Retreat.

Madonna and Child

This video clip is slide two of a power point lecture on the obstacles to enlightenment.

AUM chant

The Final Obstacle to Enlightenment

This video foootage is from an Enlightenment Master Training and Retreat held in Bali, Indonesia in 2007,.

The songstress is Melinda. I'm on guitar. We had lots of fun singing and playing guitar and making up holy songs.

This is the link to Melinda's web site as a painter/artist: